Project Update #8 - Happy Holidays! Production, Fan Voting, New Models and More
16 days ago
– Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 09:46:13 AM
Hello everyone, we're back with a new update after a bit longer of a break between them than usual. We're going to cover production progress, the results of the second round of the fan vote and more. Let's get to it!
As of today we're an estimated 78% done with production. Progress has been slow of late as we packed up and moved our two facilities into one, but we're finally getting back to our normal routine now that we're fully moved and almost fully settled in. Let's just say it's nice to be making minis again! Of course the Christmas Holiday and New Years are right around the corner so we'll be taking some much needed time off with family, but we're refocusing on finishing up the home stretch of Dragon's Cache.
We're happy to share the results for Round 2 of the Fan Vote to decide future minis we'll make. As some of you noted, there were pretty disparate options voted through in Round 1, but here at Next Level Miniatures we trust the process! 😉
Here are the pairs you all voted for in Round 2:
- Dragonborn Rogue
- Goliath Druid
- Tortle Artificer
There was much less drama in the voting this time with the Druid class vote as the only one that was fairly close for awhile, but Goliath squeaked ahead in the end. For the others it was a pretty big runaway for the winner. Seems many of you were of the same mind on the options!
For Round 3 we're focusing in even more and giving two specialization options for each Race/Class pair to choose from. Cast your vote here!
We're excited to see the final results of our first ever Fan Vote!
This month we just released some brand new models directly to our webshop for the Dragonborn Fighter, Dragonborn Monk, Carpet and Flying Magic Carpet! They're specially discounted through January 1st so be sure to check those out.
Because the Pledge Manager for this project is closed you won't be able to add them to your pledges directly, but fear not - if you want to grab some to add to your pledge we are still able to manually add them to your pledges on our end. If you'd like to do so, just email us at [email protected] and let us know what you'd like to add and the quantities. We'll take care of the rest!
We're also offering a 3x bonus on our usual spend $50 webshop discount now through the end of the year. That's 15% off all orders of $50 or more, with free shipping included (in the US)! You can visit the webshop here.
With that little bit of self-promotion we're going to wrap up this final update for 2024. We thank you for reading and staying on top of the project. Enjoy the holidays, be safe, and we'll see you in the new year!
Project Update #7 - News, Fan Vote and More!
about 1 month ago
– Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 12:45:24 PM
Howdy everyone, we're back with another project update post. We'll be covering our usual production status and a bunch of other project and NLM related topics. Here we go!
We're at 70% completion of production as of earlier this week. Now that we've closed the Pre-Order store, we can finally lock-in those final production targets and know exactly what is remaining to be made. As we mentioned last time, we've got a move coming up that will put a pause on production for a brief period while we pack everything up, move it and get settled in to our new digs. Coupled with the Thanksgiving holiday and Black Friday next week and it's going to be quite hectic around here!
Speaking of Black Friday, we're going to be running some specials on our web store all week long from November 25th to December 1st. Select models from previous campaigns will be available for up to 50% off! It's going to be our biggest sale of the year - so if you're looking to pick up stuff for upcoming campaigns be sure to visit the web store next week!
As we noted in our last update, the Pledge Manager and Pre-Order stores were closed last Friday. You can still update your shipping address through Backerkit if you need to. We'll be sure to give everyone plenty of heads up on when addresses will be locked once we're on the cusp of fulfillment starting (tentatively sometime in January, but obviously we're still too far out to give an exact date or guarantee on that). If there are any other changes you need to make to your pledge, please contact us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to assist however we can.
One final bit of upkeep on the Pledge Manager - we charged payment methods on Monday and while most of your payments went through without any issues, there were some that failed. If your payment failed you should have received an email notice from Backerkit so you can rectify the issue. We ask everyone to please be proactive in taking care of that if you received such as notice. Thanks!
The final thing to cover in this update is the second round of our fan vote and the results from the first round! Last time we had backers, customers and fans weigh in on the top three races and classes they were most interested to see us make.
A clear top 3 emerged for races with Dragonborn winning by a small margin over Tortle and Goliath, which came in second and third respectively. The only other race that was even remotely close was Lizardfolk (maybe next time!).
For classes, Artificer was by far the most chosen and it wasn't particularly close. After that Rogue came solidly in second, but for third it was quite the tight contest with Druid staving off Fighter and Monk by just a single vote!
This time we're letting everyone vote on which race/class pairs they want from the top 3 winners in each category from the first round of voting.
You can vote by clicking here.
We're excited to see the results!
That's all for today. Remember to check out our web store next week for some sweet deals and most importantly, have a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday (for those of y'all in the US anyway).
See you all in the comments!
Reminder: Last 48 hours for Pledge Manager/Pre-Order Store!
about 2 months ago
– Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 08:02:54 AM
Hey all, just popping in real quick to give everyone a reminder that the pledge manager/pre-order store on Backerkit will be closing on Friday, November 15th.
So please, get in those last minute add-ons and share the word with friends and family who may be interested in snagging a pledge before these prices are gone forever!
If you haven't seen your backer survey email yet, please contact us at [email protected] so we can take a look and make sure it gets to you. Please note that even though the pledge manager will be closing, you will still be able to complete your pledge by adding your shipping address.
As a heads up, when the pledge manager closes we will be charging payments. So if you need to make arrangements ahead of time please do so!
We'll be back with a normal production progress update next week, but for now if you have any questions or concerns regarding the pledge manager please comment here or email us directly at [email protected].
Thanks as always for reading and staying up to date on the project!
Project Update #6 - Production update and fan vote!
about 2 months ago
– Wed, Nov 06, 2024 at 10:34:21 AM
Hello folks, we're here with an other update post to go over the status of the project and a brand new fan vote to directly decide on future models we make!
As you can see from the graphic above, we're still making solid progress on production. One thing we want to make note of is that around the end of the month we will be moving the locations of both of our current facilities into one single new location. What that means is that there will be some disruption in production as we pack up, move everything and settle into our new space. We hope to keep the delays to our normal operations as brief as possible, but we know we will be losing some production time during the process and thus there will undoubtedly be slower progress over the next month or so.
A reminder in case you missed it in our previous update, the pledge manager will be closing on November 15th. That's in just over a week! So if you want to add anything to your pledges now is the time. And as always, if you haven't seen your backer survey email yet, please let us know at [email protected] and we can make sure you get it. We don't want anyone to miss out on their rewards!
Above you can see a handful of the production models we haven't shown off yet. We think they're looking quite fine if we do say so ourselves! We hope you agree. 😉
If you're a member of our website newsletter, you'll have already seen that we've just opened up the first round of fan voting to create new models! This is the first time we've ever asked backers and fans directly to help decide on and shape the models themselves. We're very excited to see what you all come up with!
This first round focuses on race and class selections, of which the top three votes in each category will move on to the next round. You can select up to three in each category on the form. Once we close and tally up the results (in the next week or so) we'll open up the second round of voting to pair up the races and classes that moved on. Following that we'll have fans voting on things like specialties/sub-classes and equipment. Buckle up, it's going to be fun!
You can vote here!
And with that we wrap up this update post. Thanks again for reading and voting (if you are able) - see you next time in a couple weeks!
Project Update #5 - Pledge Manager Closing Date & More!
3 months ago
– Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 01:29:55 PM
Happy Friday everyone! We're here again with another of our bi-weekly update posts. Let's get to it...
As we noted previously, the production tracker has jumped up quite a bit since our last update now that we've had time to catch up on our backlog of breakdown. We're happy to say we've finally hit the midway point of production of the project - huzzah!
We've received some recent questions about how long the pledge manager will be open. Originally we were thinking we'd have it open until the end of October, but we've decided to keep it open a little while longer until November 15th. So that gives everyone 28 days until everything will be locked in and payments will be collected, which should be plenty of time to get those surveys done and any add-ons added.
If you haven't seen your backer survey in your email yet, please let us know so we can make sure it gets to you. We don't want anyone to miss it and have their rewards delayed.
Also, if you have any friends or family who might be interested in snagging a pledge before they're gone, be sure to share the Pre-Order page with them!
We wanted to remind everyone (in case you missed it in previous updates) of all the new post-campaign additions to the pledge manager: The Bloodscale Basilisk, Twig and Vine Blights, Azers and Translucent green Acidic Oozes and Whip Jellies. Snag those at a special price while you can!
Finally, be sure to sign-up to be notified for our upcoming Rounders Dice campaign! Check out how you can get the over-sized d20 added to your pledge by becoming a VIP as well.
That's all we've got for today. We'll be back in a couple weeks with another update on the project and more.
See you in the comments!