That's a wrap!!!
6 months ago
– Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 02:00:43 PM
We've reached the end of the campaign and our first order of business is to say THANK YOU to all of the backers who pledged their support to make Dragon's Cache a success!
We're always humbled by the faith you all put in us and we're eager to get to work bringing these minis to life and into your hands.
If you missed the last update, the Bloodscale Basilisk stretch goal will be counting money raised in the pledge manager towards unlocking it. At this point, we think it's a pretty safe bet that will happen, but we'll keep everyone up to date on its status in future updates.
Next on the agenda is setting up the pledge manager. We'll be going with Backerkit again, which we've used for our Next Level Encounters and Dragon's Hoard Remastered projects previously. So if you've been with us for a little bit you'll already be familiar with how completing your pledge works. However, if you're not, we'll be doing a full rundown of everything pledge manager related in an update closer to when it opens up.
When does the pledge manager open you ask? It'll open in roughly 3 weeks. We've got to wait for Kickstarter to collect all of the campaign funds and verify payments have been successfully charged. Once they complete that, they will disperse the funds to us and supply us with the backer pledge info for us to port into the pledge manager. When the time comes we'll let everyone know to expect a backer survey to arrive in their email inbox which will allow you to apply your Kickstarter funds towards completing your pledge and also providing your shipping info and covering the shipping costs to your location.
As per our FAQ, any individual minis from the campaign (excluding some add-ons) will be available in the pledge manager if you wanted to grab a few extra copies of anything.
Please be aware that Backerkit allows us to open up a "Pre-Order Store" which we will probably have ready to go late next week. This in essence looks the same as the pledge manager to backers, except it is intended for those who missed out on the Kickstarter campaign and want to late pledge. So if you are an original Kickstarter campaign backer reading this, all you need to do is sit tight for a few weeks until Kickstarter finalizes collecting the pledge funds and gets your pledge info over to us and we can send you your survey to complete.
That's all we've got for today. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know down in the comments, or reach out to us directly at [email protected].
Thanks again everyone!
Entering the Final 48!!! Plus, a new beast emerges...
6 months ago
– Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 10:39:31 AM
Hello everyone, we're back with another update post as we start to enter the home stretch of the campaign. We're very close to unlocking the Roper stretch goal and it should be achieved very soon! However, another beast has emerged...
The dread Bloodscale Basilisk is the next stretch goal. We know the funding goal for this may seem out of reach at the moment, but we will be counting the early pledge manager funding towards unlocking this stretch goal. So even if the original campaign doesn't quite make it to the unlock goal, the possibility will still be available to snag it for free as part of either the Dragon's Cache, Dragon's Cache PLUS and All-In Pledges.
This way everyone who has so far pledged with just a Pledge Manager Access level pledge so far can potentially help boost themselves and everyone else once the pledge manager opens up. In the event the early pledge manager funding doesn't get to the goal, we'll still make this one available as an individual add-on for a special discounted price so no matter what those who want it will be able to get it one way or another.
We're hoping for a good push at the end and we thank everyone who has helped spread the word about the campaign! If you haven't yet, please let friends and minis gamers and painters you may know that this is the last call to snag this set at the campaign price.
We'll have more updates as the campaign draws to a close and we'll go over the usual stuff in regards to when to expect the pledge manager to open and other important details.
Thanks again everyone and we'll see you in the comments!
Exploring more of Dragon's Cache lore, Designing Dragon's Cache, and more!
6 months ago
– Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 07:34:18 PM
Hey everyone, we hope this update finds you in great spirits, and for those of you in the northern hemisphere, keeping cool. We know we'd rather be inside with our minis than outside melting. ;)
First, we want to share some more excerpts from adventurers who have encountered some of the most dangerous monsters featured in Dragon's Cache:
Designing Goblins
Next, we wanted to go over some of what went into designing the models included in Dragon's Cache. We had fun doing a similar type of behind-the-scenes look at how we make minis in the updates for our previous project, Dragon's Hoard Remastered, so why not do something along those lines here?
So today let's talk about the Goblins. Who doesn't love goblins (besides One-Armed Joe)? They're a versatile enemy that can be deployed and found in a multitude of settings and environments. They can be ruthless or haphazard and a bit silly.
In deciding to include a warband of goblins for this project, we knew we had some very popular goblins from our previous Dragon's Hoard Vol. 1 and that we had to do something different from those. Another thing we think about when we're in the concept phase for a model is - how can we do something different or unique?
There are a lot of goblin minis out there and most long-time minis enjoyers and DMs will already have a good assortment in their collections already. That lead us to focusing more on goblins that had ranged capabilities with details that might be a little unique. All of the goblins in Dragon's Cache have the option of chucking something at whomever has rankled them. Bombs, bows and spears can all cause significant damage and will enable DMs to assemble warbands with plenty of capabilities and options for how they want to craft an encounters. We always keep an eye towards utility because if we can give DMs more ways to use our minis, the more they'll see the table.
Lastly, when we're looking at what details and neat stuff to include on models, we like to have fun when we can. So we couldn't resisting giving the Banneret a frog as a hat. Still makes us chuckle!
Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out the questionnaire we posted in our last update. And an extra thank you to those who posted expanded thoughts in the comments of the update. You all gave us a lot of great feedback and touched on stuff we hadn't even considered. We'll be chewing on it for a while indeed! If you haven't filled out the (very short) survey, it's still open and you can do so here: Dragon's Cache Questionnaire.
As many of you are probably aware, GenCon is right around the corner. We'll be attending again this year with a whole slew of minis available, including some GenCon special models that will be released at the event. We'll have more details and some images of those as we get closer. We're very excited to see you all in person again, so if you'll be there please plan to stop by! We're at booth #2811.
Your Work
We also wanted to make note that we love to see our backers paint work. We like to bring attention to artists who work on our minis and frequently share stuff sent to us on our Facebook page.
If you have any pictures of NLM minis from previous projects or from our webshop that you'd like to share, please send them our way at [email protected]!
That's all for this update. We'll be back with more fun stuff soon and please help us share the campaign wherever you can. Thanks again!
Exploring the Dragon's Cache and Backer Questionnaire!
6 months ago
– Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 09:50:34 AM
Happy Wednesday to all of you lovely backers out there! We're dropping in with an update to cover some fun stuff and also collect your opinions on a few topics. Let's do it!
We've had fun crafting quotes from a rogues' gallery of characters who have encountered the various warbands, monsters and wildlife contained within Dragon's Cache. You may have read some words of warning in regards to Night Hags from Ezekiel, the mad hermit of the Grimpen Mists. Or some of the off-the-cuff rambling from One-Armed Joe, former adventurer and frequenter of the Outset Tavern. We'd like to share some more with you all that cover a pair of the more friendly inclusions found in Dragon's Cache. We hope you enjoy!
Share Your Thoughts!
Next up, we want to throw out a few questions and your answers will help inform our plans for future projects. Please let us know your thoughts in the linked Google Form and feel free to expand upon them in the comment section of this update!
Question 1: If we offered a pledge level that included just miniatures and another that included both the miniatures and module that featured an assortment of the miniatures in the project, is that something you would be interested in?
Question 2: What fantasy rules set would you like to see a module created in? (system neutral is an option as well)
Question 3: How important to you is it that a physical copy of the module be produced, rather than digital only (.PDF)?
Question 4: What theme would you most like to see in a future installment of Dragon's Cache?
Please share your thoughts in the Google Form!
That's it for today, we're in the usual (blink) dog days of a campaign, but we're still creeping closer to that Roper. Help get the word out wherever you can!
Thanks again everyone!
Night Hag Unlocked!
6 months ago
– Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 07:58:02 AM
A quick weekend update to announce that the first stretch goal for the Night Hag has been unlocked! A big thank you to everyone who has thrown in their support so far.
The Roper is up next and we know surely we'll fell the beast (err... rock thing) as well!
Please help boost the campaign by sharing and discussing it wherever you can, online or at your game sessions with friends and family. The more funding that comes in everyone benefits as we add on more goodies to the pile!
We'll have more updates this coming week and we look forward to sharing more fun stuff with you soon!